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How Close to a Fence Can You Build a Shed?

Having shed as an addition is a thoughtful idea. Sheds have more use than you can imagine. A shed can be used to store tools, equipment, and gardening materials. It not only looks great in your garden but also a shed acts as an account for all your outdoor tools and pieces of equipment. However, before starting the addition process, you should consider various factors. For instance, what will be the purpose of the shed, and how close to the fence can it be? This article discusses factors to consider to help you decide how close your shed should be to a fence.

  • Planning and Permission

Just like any other structure, there should be planning. When building a shed, planning is imperative as it interprets the outcome of that structure. For example, do you need a big shed or a small one? When planning, it is good to involve a surveyor or contractor who will take you through the whole process. In addition to that, in every location or zone, there are planning regulations.

Stock photo of the shed at backyard

As a homeowner, you should check with your local building authorities before building. In some areas, authorities dictate the specific areas where one should build their shed. Some local building authorities require you to build your shed 10 or 15 feet away from the fence. Involving your local authorities is vital. You do not want to build and then be told to move it later. Therefore, make sure to get approval from the local authorities.

  • Your Neighbor

Even though you will not be building your shed in your neighbor’s compound, it is good to consider how close the shed will be to their property. Some might not appreciate a shed close to their property line. It is good to communicate with your neighbors so they can clear you on how close they do not want a shed to their property. Also, remember, your current neighbor may be fine with the shed being close to their property, but the next neighbor might not be fine with it. For that reason, contact your local authorities for specific measurements.

  • Accessibility

Ensure there is enough room around the shed to make it easy when cleaning and mowing. In addition, it is important to consider the door for entry and exit. Moreover, ensure the area to build the shed is flat. This will ensure the shed is stable, and the door will be able to close and open properly. The advised place to put your shed is near a paved pathway for easy accessibility. It also helps avoid flooding during the rainy season.

In addition, if your shed is close to the fence, the property will be a dump. It is good to consider a space between the two to allow the shed to breathe. If it is not possible, you can opt for a treated shed to help it suffer less from the effects of dampness. Moreover, consider a raised shed. A raised shed has a much better air circulation than those directly on the ground. If ventilation matters to you, then a raised shed is what you should go for. It not prevents mold growth but also prevents harsh weather conditions like flooding from entering the shed.

Depending on where you live, there will be restrictions on the materials to use in your shed. If it is in a gated community, due to uniformity there are specific building materials you should use. Check with the estate agent’s confirmation to source the necessary materials. A foundation is not necessary for a shed, but the materials are. However, if the shed expected is large, then adding foundation is recommended. For instance, wood is not recommended as it absorbs moisture from the ground and the surrounding. It is also predisposed to decay, which is not good for the structure. The best kind of materials are plastic base or concrete.

A shed is a great addition for a homeowner. Not only is it used for storage, but also as a home extension. With the above information, you will never go wrong when planning on your shed addition. It answers the question of how close to the fence you should build your shed. It is imperative to keep in mind the above-mentioned factors to ensure you are on the right track. These factors should not be overlooked. If the latter happens then some consequences will occur, which could have been avoided with the considerations in place.



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